The concept of a teacher “shortage” seems to flowing through the mainstream media at the moment. The only thing is that there is no teacher shortage and never has been. There are at any point in time plenty of teachers floating around and an ample number of teaching graduates entering the realms of education.However, a greater number of these people either do not want enter teaching or even stay in teaching.The big question then is….why? Why would someone not want…..
As a teacher I’ve had a very unique view of the world throughout the covid pandemic. By seeing things through the eyes of our children. This has made me realise what the real pandemic in our society is. It certainly isn’t a communicable disease but rather a condition which costs us much more in time, money and resources than we could ever imagine.Forget about the “covid” pandemic. This is the “lack of confidence” pandemic. This pandemic has been around long…..
It’s interesting how education as I see it has really lost it’s ability to allow children to play. I began my teaching life as a preschool teacher in a day care centre. I followed a play based program and it added a huge amount of educational value to the lives of the children that I taught there. Then I moved into a primary (elementary) school based preschool. Again it was a play based program and again the children that were…..