One the biggest challenges that I have faced as a teacher is working within the educational system. As a teacher I was aware that my role was very important to my students yet in the bigger scheme of things I was a small fish in a very big pond. This being that my opinion on all things teaching was not highly regarded by the hierarchy above me. And not that they didn’t care for my opinion but rather that as a teacher I was a nameless face in a sea of teachers.
Even teaching in a small school I have found that those above me were not ever going to be in the habit of asking me what I thought about anything. And as much as this did at times leave me feeling dejected and somewhat underappreciated it would later open my eyes to other and more important things.
Along the way I was introduced to the concept of my “sphere of influence” within my teaching. This being where I was encouraged to work within the confines of what I could make a difference with and what I couldn’t. As this concept grew on me over the years it began to make more sense on a day to day basis within the classroom. This being that I could focus on my students and my teaching for each moment and then learn to gradually discard anything that fell outside of that radius.
This then became a Godsend with things like curriculum issues, reporting schedules, timetable reviews and teaching dilemma’s related to any government policies. Again within my teaching I have developed some fantastic passions and specialised skills yet I had slowly learned when to choose my battles with the system, and when to let things ride.
When working within the system of education I found it was important to remember that I was very privileged to have such an important job as a teacher. And essentially that there will always be things that I don’t agree with, yet I have to be content with the fact that I can make a difference to my students by what I do with them rather than by the opinions I possess.
And as much as any educational system is never going to be perfect, I need to be able to work within it using the best of my capabilities and knowledge at any given time.
So teach with passion and know where your “sphere” begins and where it ends.